The Han Institute, founded May 2013, is named after Distinguished Professor Ji-Sheng Han. Dr. Angelica Kokkalis, both a Doctor of Chinese and Western Medicine, wanted to promote Professor Han’s research work in Traditional Chinese Medicine, specifically neurological disorders, thereby raising the standards of care in the United States in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
The Han Institute exists of:
- a clinic/treatment center (Han Institute Clinic)
- a non for profit research organization
- an educational foundation
Han Institute is closely collaborating with Beijing Medical University department of Neurosciences.
About the Han Institute
The Han Institute was created to honor Professor Ji-Sheng Han and his outstanding work on the study of mechanisms of pain and acupuncture at his laboratory at the Beijing Medical University (Peking University of Health and Science), Beijing, China. Furthermore, the Institute highlights the work of modern Chinese scientists at various Chinese medical universities who have conducted research on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. Through their research, the neuro-biological equivalents of such hypothetical constructs as Qi and meridians in TCM have been confirmed.
The first goal of the Institute is to create a virtual library that will compile all the works related to TCM and acupuncture, in China and abroad. The library will be the first of its kind and will make works available worldwide to physicians, medical students, patients and any individual interested in TCM and acupuncture.
The second goal is to raise money through the non-profit Institute, to fund research projects around the globe to further the study of TCM and acupuncture. The Institute is particularly interested in funding projects related to the development of highly effective no-drug methods for treating patients with pain, psychiatric and other chronic illnesses.
The Han Institute promotes the expansion of Han clinics as a part of the existing medical establishment. These clinics will focus on treating neurological disorders, pain, and other chronic diseases, according to the scientifically developed Han protocols.
Apart from the above, the Han Institute offers training on the use of the Han protocols to the medical, veterinary doctors, and acupuncturists around the globe.